It’s 2010 people. Why haven’t they invented the automatic dust remover yet?
Of the chores I despise the most, dusting tops the list. While yes, it is quite related to vacuuming and I do not abhor that chore so much, dusting requires getting into the nooks and crannies and lifting things up and it seems to get into places it shouldn’t. Vacuuming is pretty much all done on a flat surface with minimal moving of the objects in its path.
Of course, dust is nothing more than a majority of what I am already vacuuming anyway, so why does it gross me out more too? All those tiny particles of dead skin and hair from the various two-legged and four-legged creatures who occupy our household mixed with pollen and soil particles from outside mixed with clothes and paper fibers inside to create the whitish film we call dust creep me out. I’m sure it is because on the floor I’m stepping on it with my feet which are covered like 99.9 percent of the time, where as my hands are uncovered 99.9 percent of the time.
Sure, there are gadgets out there to make the job “easier” to do (like those quotes?) but really, the dust still seems to be there. Even the most heavy duty HEPA filter system can only filter what actually passes through it, and yes they help, but will not eliminate the problem. Our vacuum cleaner, a Filter Queen Princess III, is a HEPA vacuum, but the duster attachment only works for the big stuff and is great for soft surfaces and books, but not so much for wood and “wood.” Ugh. I guess I’ll just have to hunker down, grab an old rag and some Endust, and attack it while it is still fresh on my mind.
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2 days ago
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