Of all the rooms in a house, the dining room is probably the least used. Well, perhaps the least used for its intended purpose.
It is quite a rare occasion that we sit at the dining table and eat. It is an even rarer occasion that the table is cleared of whatever project either of us are working on at that particular time. I remember making a note of how long my partner’s Star Trek game cards were on the table and chairs and surrounding floor and it finally being picked up after six weeks. Well, I’ve probably commandeered the table for at least that long working on various craft projects.
For some reason our dining room table is just not as important as it once was. I know there was a time when we actually ate meals at it, but those days seem to have disappeared, gone by the wayside like our once weekly Scrabble Death Matches that used to take place on that very table. Oh, the memories…
Perhaps it is time to clear off the table once again. Perhaps it is time to move the sewing machine into my craft/cake/guest room once and for all. Perhaps that is a little ambitious, but I’m certain with a little finagling I could make it happen. Then, once the table is free of excess clutter, we may be able to enjoy a meal there once in a while. Of course, we’d have to get new chairs since the ones we currently have are rather unsafe to sit in, one of which had to be tossed because it just completely fell apart after I tried to fix it. And then we’d probably have to get a new table too since the top feels like it is about to fall off at any minute. Perhaps all of the above mentioned things have played a role in our lack of proper use. Then again, perhaps they are all excuses to plop our asses on the couch and watch some Netflixed Mad Men while stuffing our faces.
March 2025 Monthly Specials
2 days ago
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