Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Most of the time I don’t remember what I dreamt about once I wake up. Lately things have changed.

This past week I’ve had some pretty vivid dreams. I’m not talking about the weird went-to-the-grocery-store-and-the-cashier-was-a-talking-human-sized-cat-who-had-a-British-accent-and-asked-politely, “Paper-or-plastic?” dream. I mean dreams that could be plots to entire novels here in a sense that there is a beginning, middle, end and character development throughout with an intriguing storyline.

If this sounds a little odd, well, I am. But the last few times this has happened I was suddenly thrust into a creative streak that seemed like it would never end until, of course, it did. Of course, this also seems to coincide with times that are particularly busy and I can’t focus on being creative, which makes me think that a job must be lining up. We’ll see how that pans out.

In the mean time I’m going to see where these dreams lead me. I’ve always thought the unconscious mind knows more about what is going on than the conscious one. Then again, there is the large talking cat at the grocery store.

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