Sunday, May 23, 2010

Neglecting the Gardens

Our gardens have been feeling rather neglected lately. I can’t say I blame them, I mean, after all, I have been.

Between our odd wintry weather and helping a friend out with her garden chores and cake orders I haven’t done any daily tending to the vegetable garden or even bothered to water the front garden under the eaves which doesn’t receive any rainwater whatsoever and at times is annoying. As I look out into the vegetable boxes I can see a flurry of little white flowers from the pea box and the sage is in full bloom now with a multitude of purple flowers climbing up each stalk.

The rock garden is in desperate need of weeding, as well as the beds along the back fence of beans and squashes which are currently fighting for survival amongst dandelions and blackberry sproutlings. Our rock wall bulbs have all died back till fall and are begging to be filled with petunias and alyssum and such.

In fact the only things that are doing well with neglect are the roses, all of which are either in full bloom or about to explode. Maybe the excess grass that has seeped under each of them (and funnily nowhere else) must be helping. I was originally going to plant chives throughout the rose bed to fight off diseases and bad insects but didn’t and they seem to be doing just fine.

Perhaps tomorrow, if the weather isn’t too stormy, I’ll get around to giving the gardens the attention they deserve. Of course, I should probably also let the chickens out of the coop too as I weed to clean up everything I pluck out of the ground. They’re kinda neat like that.

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