Sunday, August 5, 2012


Living in a neighborhood usually means you will have neighbors. Sometimes those neighbors are friendly and other times they are asses. We’ve been fortunate enough to have had mostly great neighbors both here and where we used to live. It certainly makes for a better living environment than if we all argued over which side of the fence the blackberries and ivy was coming from. For the record, the blackberries were from their side and the ivy was on both, but only because it spread from their side onto our side of the fence.

Anyway, last night we were invited over to our next door neighbors’s house for margaritas and games. At first we were a little hesitant because, well, we would have just said our goodbyes to my brother and his family as they were driving back to California, and because, well, we don’t know them all too well. But we decided to go for it. I’m so glad we did. We had a blast getting to know each other and playing games with their friends and coworkers and kids. It almost makes me want to make our house presentable enough to have them over for dinner. Almost.

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