Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Waiting for Inspiration

Lately my inspiration to create has been, well, lackluster. It could just be the dull of summer or the random acts of sunshine we’ve been getting an excess of here in the Pacific Northwest, or perhaps I’m just in a funk. I think what I really need to do is get the sewing area organized and cleaned up so I can focus on quilting again. But alas, I wait instead. Wait for inspiration to hit when I know better. Wait for some bolt of lightning to strike. Wait. For what? Waiting is another word for wasting, and wasting time that could be better spent on other projects. So what if my quilting aspirations are a little off at the moment! Perhaps finishing four quilts this year and starting two others has taken a bit of my sewing juices away. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other projects waiting for me to work on them. Like, for instance, building a new ramp into the henhouse that the ducks would be able to use. Or perhaps I simply need to make sure the dishes are done and I am presentably dressed before sewing to prevent any distractions or lackadaisically approaches.

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