Do you have a sibling who every once in a while makes you go, “Huh?” That’s my sister Ashley.
Ashley is the unpredictable one. Seriously, you never know where her mind will take her next. Even as a child she’d make decisions that seemed completely silly and then surprise you with an intelligent comeback. It’s these extreme polar opposites that make her fun to keep track of and watch. And on top of that, she’s funny, wild, and beautiful. What can I say? All of our parents are beautiful and they made beautiful children.
The other thing about Ashley is that, well, when it was just us boys and her, basically when we’d go over to our dad and stepmom’s house, we’d all gang up on her, as she was the only girl. Of course, that meant she didn’t share a room with anyone, so you can imagine that is where the lion’s share of the jealousy stemmed from. Alas, I hope that this upbringing helped form her into a more resilient person, because God knows I was picked on enough in school for being fat and wearing hearing aids and still see myself as that sometimes, I couldn’t imagine having a brother in the same grade and school as I to torment my middle school years!
However, going back to unpredictable, I remember when we all were getting our hair cut (keep in mind this was the 80s) and all four of us boys got the traditional mullet cut (super short top, shoulder length back) and she wanted the same thing and so we all matched. My mother was not well pleased, but looking back, I think this is just the type of person my sister is… fearless. Well, fearless except for her best friend’s cousin beating the crap out of her so frequently she had to change schools. That cousin is now married to my husband’s brother, so crazy never really left the building!
No matter what life throws at her, she makes the most out of it. Her house is always meticulously decorated and clean, well, with the exception of her boys’s room, but to be fair, they are slobs, and she is a gracious host. I also understand her frustration when she takes the time to plan something nice for her kids and nobody shows up. Instead of letting it show, she takes the opportunity to make it special time with them. Sometimes I feel bad for her because all she wants for her kids is the same big Christmases and birthdays we had growing up, and sadly I don’t think those will ever be again.
I guess the thing I am most proud of her is that when she makes up her mind to do something, she does it. I don’t always agree with her decisions, but I have to admire the fact that she isn’t like me and stalls or tries to find an excuse not to do something. Wants a baby? She has one. Wants a house? She buys one. Wants a new car for her birthday even though she might not be able to afford it? She gets it anyway. She very much lives in the now while at the same time keeps the future close at hand. Because behind those seemingly erratic decisions, lies a very intelligent and resourceful mind.
Happy birthday, Ashley! May life continue to surprise you and may you always continue to surprise us!
Kimberly’s 25-Patch Quilt Tutorial
2 days ago
very nice tribute.