I’m not exactly certain when and where we went wrong in raising our now 12 year old cat, Tuesday, but she has been evil for quite some time now. Recently she has taken to biting me while I’m typing my blogs.
Tuesday is an absolutely gorgeous calico cat, with bright green eyes and a genetic flabby pouch-like belly. I say genetic because her mother had it, her litter mates all had it and so does she. Perhaps it is a remnant of their past life that still hasn’t been bred out of them yet through domestication (her mother was feral, after all), and is much akin to the same flabby pouch-like belly found on cheetahs to help them maintain their balance as they run at breakneck speed. I don’t know. The only time I see Tuesday run is when there is either a foreign dog chasing her or I’m putting food in her dish without her previous knowledge.
Anyway, ever since I started blogging on the laptop in the living room as opposed to the desktop in the office, Tuesday has decided to sit next to me while I do so. It was cute… for a while. Then she would try to chase my fingers as I typed, pawing me with her claws which seem to always be protracted. I would push her away and she would go back to cleaning herself. For the past couple weeks, however, she has gotten slightly more aggressive and has decided to start biting me while I type instead. Actually now that I think about it, my partner was playing his trumpet every time she would bite me, so perhaps she was simply telling me to make the noise stop. Either way, I let our dog chase her off.
Perhaps the thing about Tuesday is that because she is so pretty, she knows it, and thinks it gives her a free pass to be a complete bitch. Same thing with our dog, Lucy. Actually, Lucy is technically already a bitch. Or perhaps because out cat came from feral parentage and was never that affectionate except during rare occasions for mere seconds before she’d go all manic and attack you for petting her is the reason she prefers to simply be let alone. I don’t know. But I do know that the next cat we get will be cuddled from kittenhood as often as possible to prevent the monstrosity we more than likely played a part in creating known as our cat, Tuesday.