Monday, April 16, 2012

People Puppets Prepared

The people puppets are done! Admittedly, I was hoping the Id monster would also be, but sadly it is not… yet.

After church, and making a delicious brunch of potato, bacon, egg and cheese burritos, I set a goal of finishing the Id monster and both the costumes for the people puppets. At first I was thinking it would be beneficial to have a picture to go off of for the Id monster using the random design I did for the foam skull, but then I decided I didn’t need to. Why would that help? I have no idea how I want this monster to look. Then it hit me; drawing a picture would be using my Id. Of course, by the time this thought occurred, I was nearly finished with the skin and tentacles and horns and eyes and only needed to add feather and fur and all the fun little features to make it look as crazy as possible.

It was getting late, so I decided to start making the costumes for the people puppets. In the end I figured I would use a Debbie Mumm star field print with lots of wavy blues I picked up at Joann’s years ago for a baby blanket I ended up going in a completely different direction on for their uniforms. I made a simple dress for her and knowing that the doctor puppet also had a red satin jacket, made that and hot glued a patch of the blue star field fabric inside the jacket. There was no reason to make a full shirt after all! That and the jacket was a pain in the ass to sew. I frakking hate satin with a passion and this just further encapsulated that rage. I have a feeling my 1963 Singer Touch and Sew Deluxe Zig-Zag Model 600 sewing machine also has a prejudice against the shimmery fabric as well. It falls into the same category as hot glue in my craft book. Evil. Pure evil. 

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