Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cleaning Up for Company

Looks like today is going to be filled with cleaning and general crap pickeruppery. Joy.

This morning I awoke to howling cats and begging dog, all needing food. Of course, what I found afterwards was that one of the cats, Dexter would be my presumption, had apparently been playing with the blinds again. I’m not sure how, but he managed to pull half a dozen of the actual blinds out of their place. My attempt to remedy the situation hasn’t helped as now the slats won’t tilt when I use the wand. Figures. Looks like more coffee will be required before attempting this problem again.

We also decided to power wash the deck, and by we I mean my husband. I’m sure it’ll look great once it is done, I just don’t want to do it. I mean, the rest of the backyard is ghetto and I’m afraid that a clean deck will make it look, well, out of place. Of course we also need to figure out where we are going to place all the ladders and fencing pieces and random crap left from either previous tenants or the landlord from when he lived here.

Inside the house is a different story. We don’t so much need to do cleaning as we need to decorate it to make it look like people actually live here. I mean, we’ve been here over a month and it still looks like we haven’t unpacked or we’re ready to move again. This may not be far from the truth, but still, we need to put some pictures up on the walls and bring in a bookcase or two… I just turned around to shoo the cat out from the blinds again and I think I found out the problem, let’s see if this works. Okay, blinds are fixed. We also need to bring over all of the compact fluorescent light bulbs from the old house’s light fixtures because not only are these incandescent bulbs raising our electric bill, they also are quite hot and produce a lot of heat, which this house likes to retain. I’m sure it’ll be great in the winter, but during the summer when it is already gross and muggy, heat isn’t welcome inside the house.

So much to do and so little time to do it. Hopefully we’ll be able to tackle a third of what is on our to-do list. At least then it will feel like we’ve accomplished something to make this house just a little more livable. And hopefully it won’t look so ghetto when my husband’s mom and sister arrive tomorrow for the weekend.

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