Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Looking out at our front yard, I can barely see the rocks beneath the overgrowth. It must be time to finally weed.

With so much going on lately, yard maintenance has taken a back burner. Actually, I don’t think it has even been on the radar since we moved in, with the exception of the backyard which actually has a “lawn”. The front yard is, well, a rock garden of sorts. There are rocks and a few plants sparsely in the ground. However, it’s difficult to see what is actually there because over the past couple weeks it has become infested with grasses and weeds galore. It is an abhorrent eyesore.

I’m not sure what our plans are for the day, but I’d really like to either start tackling this situation or gather the rest of the stuff from the other house over to here before or after work today since I’m only covering the lunch break. Who knows, maybe we can accomplish both. Maybe.

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