Friday, August 26, 2011

Role Reversal

I’ve been in a funk lately. Hopefully I’m starting to figure out why.

Since summer started it seems my husband has taken on most of the household duties. He’s a teacher, so no school means no work which (sigh) means no income. I, on the other hand, have been working full time, but don’t make anywhere near enough money to not need government assistance. I used to think it was sad when I’d hear the personnel department advise employees at Crapmart how to apply for food stamps and other welfare services, but now I know how much of a necessity those services are when working a low-wage job.

Anyway, so my homemaking blog has given way to, well, mostly rants about nothing. I haven’t been doing much in the way of laundry or cleaning or even dishes since we moved into this house, which also coincided with the beginning of summer. Same is true for yard work. Yes, we did manage to get some stuff done, but in all honesty, there just isn’t much to be inspired by, and a lack of funds defeats any creativity I’d like to put into it. Hell, I haven’t even been quilting, but I’ll blame that on the heat. I guess that means I’ll have to have a marathon quilt-block-catch-up session for The Desperate Housewife’s Quilt (! We’ll see what happens next week when school is back in session.


  1. Sorry you are in a bit of a rough patch. I hope you can catch up on the DHWQ blocks and get some quilting joy pack in your life. I am looking forward to seeing how they look in the Batiks.

  2. Thanks Jane! I'm hoping to get in a little tonight and tomorrow between a birthday party and baby sitting.
